Why should you remove a tree stump from your garden?

Cork Tree Surgeons
3 min readFeb 27, 2023

Have you just completed a scheduled arboriculture work in your garden? Has your garden clearance work been taken care of properly? Is any dead tree stump left in the ground after the surgery work?

We would recommend you not to ignore this important part and to include stump removal a part of the agreed tree surgery works in your garden. Not sure why? Go through this blog. Here, we would list some important reasons why the tree stump removal Glanmire task is something you can’t afford to ignore.

1. Tree stumps can ‘welcome’ insects and fungi

A rotting or dead tree stump on the ground may soon be ready to ‘welcome’ others. The decaying dead wood of a tree stump can be the perfect breeding ground for unhelpful insects, pests and several toxic fungi. For example, the Honey Fungus or Armillaria can sit on the decaying wood and can spread its threads to attack and kill the roots of other woody plants nearby.

2. Tree stumps make your garden maintenance a troublesome affair

You would agree that it’s quite troublesome to weed or mow your garden when you need to manoeuvre around tree stumps lying on the ground. This means you will need to incur more costs, in terms of time and money.

3. Tree stumps are an obstacle and are physically hazardous

A tree stump may suddenly turn into an unwanted and dangerous trip hazard. Anyone can succumb to grazed knees or serious falls, and other dangerous injuries. It may even lead to matters involving public liability and insurance claims.

4. Tree stumps can cause damage to garden machinery

Hard and large tree stumps may lead to bent crankshafts in lawnmowers as the lawnmower blades often go through a heavy toll while hitting a tree stump. No wonder why thousands of lawnmowers are scrapped every year, well before their ‘scheduled expiry’. This is a definite waste of money.

5. Tree stumps can take away soil nutrients

A tree stump can shoot new growth. Even if you do not want, the shoots would keep impacting the soil health and garden aesthetics. Any such unplanned growth may just spoil the view you are so proud to have in your garden.

Moreover, leaching of nutrients from the garden soil may lead to the robbing of your new and beautiful roses, without you even realising it.

6. Your property value may go for a toss!

Do you have plans to sell your house? You must be aware that garden surveys are an integral part of most property negotiation processes today. A surveyor will surely search for signs of environmental damage to walls, foundations, pipework, etc- that may have been caused by root systems. Keep in mind these things if you want to keep your property value intact. Before the tree stumps get exhausted of nutrients and start damaging the ecosystem nearby, it’s the best feasible option to remove them properly.

7. Why not make better utilization of the space?

Tree stumps consume valuable garden space, without giving you any marked benefits. You can remove them and use the space for an extended lawn, a flower bed or even a picnic table for your family.

We want to conclude by stating that tree stump removal Glanmire is not an easy job (though it may appear to you in the first place!) at all. It needs years of expertise & in-depth knowledge and this is why we would recommend you hire a professional tree service provider to accomplish your scheduled tree stump removal task. With their modern machinery and expert tree surgeons, they can accomplish all kinds of stump removal jobs to the best of your satisfaction. Moreover, they can accomplish other tree surgery jobs such as Hedge cutting service Glanmire, crown lifting, planting and nurturing and so on. They would strictly comply with all safety and environmental guidelines — while you can just sit back and relax!



Cork Tree Surgeons

CORK TREE SURGEONS Brooklodge Glanmire Ireland based cork arborist company, serving the people of Cork for 30 years.